Here are ten ways to prevent a minor mishap or major disaster at your rental property this winter.

ResponsibilitiesAs a landlord, it’s important to understand your legal and ethical responsibilities. Treat your tenants well, and they’re more likely to treat your property with respect.RoleYour role is to ensure your property is safe and in

Get it right, and insulation can add value to your home. Get it wrong, and it could be difficult to get a mortgage for your property. Read on to find out why.

A significant shift in how landlords file tax returns is looming on the horizon. Here’s what landlords need to know about the changes.

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Buying a home comes with a lot of dreams, needs and wants, but there’s another consideration, too – budget. Whether you’re taking your first step on the property ladder or moving on to bigger and better things, how can you make every pound count?

The rental market is a tough place to be, especially in the current economic climate. With the cost of living crisis leaving many tenants feeling squeezed, now could be the right time for landlords to invest in rent protection insurance. But is it really worth it, or just another expense?

If you’re looking for a new home, time is of the essence. The market is competitive, it seems like prices are always going up, and there’s a lot to get organised. But don’t fret – we’re here to help.

As a landlord, you want to earn a good return on your property investment, but how do you decide what rent to charge? In the current market, rents are at an all-time high, but what’s the fairest way to set your monthly price?

Over the years, social media has become a major part of our daily lives. We post status updates, like pics, create videos and reels, learn hacks to clean or decorate our homes… the list is endless.

Homebuyers are heavily influenced by what they see, smell and hear, so here’s a guide to ensuring your property appeals to their senses.

Recessions hit everyone right where it hurts: in the pocket. Everyone feels the pinch as prices rise and the cost-of-living spirals. Homeowners face the prospect of higher mortgage rates and rising bills. But what about landlords? Are they the Teflon of a credit crunch?