Buying an empty house that needs a bit of renovation and restoration can be very exciting. You are presented with a blank canvas that allows you to change anything you like and design the house of your dreams from scratch.   Taking on a pr

When you’re in the throes of purchasing a new house and have what you think is the home of your dreams, it is important not to get carried away – a home is the most important purchase you may ever make and so it’s worth ensuring wha

According to the latest research from Post Office Money, landscaping your garden could add more value to your home than a new kitchen, conservatory, extension or loft conversion.

We often have clients ask us how long it will take them to move into a new home. In a perfect world, an offer would be accepted and you would be unpacking boxes six weeks later. However, this isn’t a perfect world and there are many factors tha

If you are thinking of updating the look of your home and would like to add a touch of luxury without a complete renovation, there are a few tricks that can help you achieve the desired result.   Dress your walls   A wall covere

When you think of the Summer in the UK, then chances are that you will instantly think of BBQ’s and spending time with family and friends.

According to the latest English Housing Survey, the average age of a first-time buyer now stands at 32 whilst the average age of a first-time parent is now around 28 years old.

Summer is here! It’s the return of those glorious months of warm weather, BBQs and Pimm’s.

Spend quality time with your dad this year instead of just buying him a card...

Period property vs. new build is one of many decisions you’ll make when home-buying. To make your decision making easier, we’ve put together a list of the benefits of both.

We all hate feeling trapped and there is nothing worse than feeling that you HAVE to do something, even when you really don’t want to. Letting or renting a house is no different but once you’ve signed on the dotted line, how easy is it to

If you have a property and haven’t decided what you’re going to do with it, you may want to consider letting it. Aside from the financial benefits, renting out a property can have a great impact on your life so we’ve listed the top