If you’re a first-time landlord about to rent out a property, or an established landlord looking to purchase a new investment, one of the main questions you’ll have is how much rent you can charge per month.

When it comes to preparing for a property sale, most sellers focus on the early stage of the process: sprucing up their home and choosing an agent to manage the marketing. But there’s another element to nailing a successful property deal that gets less attention but is just as critical: negotiating the sale.

If you’re fortunate enough to be in a financial position where you can rent out your home instead of selling it, should you take the leap? After all, if you don’t need to sell to fund your next move, renting your property is an option worth exploring. Here, we explore the dilemma of renting out a property instead of selling. 👇🏻

As a landlord, you’ve probably experienced that feeling of dread when your tenant’s name flashes up on your phone, reporting a problem. 🤦 Or the horror of receiving the news that you’re going to have to pay for urgent (and expensive) repairs? 👷🏻‍♂️ If either of these sound familiar, it could mean you’re not inspecting your rentals enough.👇🏻

Buying a property with a partner can be an exciting next step in a relationship. 👌🏻 Swapping paying rent or living with family for cosy nights with your beloved in your own home can be a blissful prospect. But before you arrange a series of viewings in a giddy rush of excitement, it’s worth sitting down and talking a few things through. 💬

Over the last few years, landlords have faced many changes. Tax reforms, rental reforms and energy efficiency measures have meant renting out properties is more complex (and expensive) than ever. But with changes to Government plans announced last Wednesday, is good news on the horizon?

Find out in just 60 seconds just how legally compliant you are and discover if you are at risk of severe financial penalties.

In this week’s lettings article, we look at the pros and cons of turnkey rental properties and renovation projects.

This week’s sales article looks at the importance of being realistic when pricing your property for sale.

As a landlord, one of your main goals is to make sure your property is tenanted. As soon as the old tenants decide they’re moving on, it’s time to find new renters to move in.

It’s often said that you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, but then (confusingly), it’s also said that first impressions count… Why are all these clichés so important? Well, when marketing a property, it’s a bit of both: how a property looks will catch a buyer’s eye before they pore over the finer details.