How do I prepare my home for a viewing?

How do I prepare my home for a viewing?

Every viewer that steps foot into your home takes you one step further to selling. If you are gaining viewings then your estate agents marketing is working. Potential buyers are seeing your home and are compelled enough to book a viewing. That is great news!
Preparing your home for sale is the best way that you, as a seller, can help your sale along and support your estate agents work. So well done, you have done a good job with this if you are getting viewings. Now, the next step where you can help is to prepare your home for every viewing as if it were the first. I say this because if you are recieiving a lot of viewings but no offers yet, it is easy to lose motivation. You get a bit fed up of cleaning and tidying for every time but it is so important to present your home at its best, if you are getting a steady flow of viewers an offer is bound to be around the corner. Take pride in your home and keep focused, you never know who’s going to walk across your threshold next. They could be the very person that falls in love at first sight.
To help you with this, here are our top tips to prepare for a viewing.
  1. Highlight the lifestyle
Most buyers want to move home as they desire a certain lifestyle. Think about the type of lifestyle your home could offer your buyers. For instance, a buyer may crave fresh air, country walks and garden parties. When preparing your home for a viewing try and emphasise the lifestyle your home offers. You could place a pair of adult and child’s wellies by the front door, a nod to the country walks on your door step. You could set up your outside garden furniture and place a couple of wine glasses and a bottle of wine on the table. Little touches like this can pull on your buyers desire for that lifestyle and will help make your home appeal to them.
It’s great to accessorise and use props in this way. However, too many accessories can distract. For example, lots and lots of family photos can distract a viewer. They may find it hard imagining themselves living in your home where there are so many pictures of your own family around. Try and look at your home through the eyes of your buyer and style with what would appeal to them – not you.
  1. Clean
Keeping on top of the cleaning will help your home stay bright, dirt free and smelling fresh for your viewers. Viewers often pay particular attention to kitchens and bathrooms, so make sure that all surfaces are gleaming. Ensure that you keep on top of cleaning your windows to allow as much light into your home as possible.
An untidy, dirty home will put buyers off. The aim of the game is to try and help your buyers imagine themselves living there. This is far easier for them if it is clean.
Clear clutter quickly by whizzing round your home with an empty box or washing basket and filling it full of messy clutter. Hide the box away in your garage or car once take care of.
To take the hassle of cleaning away you could employ a cleaner and a window cleaner. Even if its just for the time you are on the market. It will give you peace of mind that the cleaning jobs are under control.
  1. Remove signs of a pet
When you have a viewing, take your dog out for a walk or turn your cat out. As much as you may love your pet other people may not, they may even be allergic. Pets can smell so ensure they are groomed regularly. Remove pet beds, food bowls and toys. These can hold odour and distract a viewer.
  1. Light and bright
Allow as much light as possible to enter your home. Pull back your curtains and lift your blinds. Ensure your windows are squeaky clean and that there is no filth blocking the light from streaming through.
Put your lamps on, this adds a nice, soft ambient light and creates a homely ambience. If you have a fire, light it, so long as it’s not a hot day, it will create a cosy warm light and make your home warm and welcoming for your viewers.
Creating as much light as possible in your home will set a bright and light mood or tone. A light home is more attractive for a buyer, so let it flood in.
  1. Temperature
Make your home a welcoming as possible for your viewer. Ensure that the temperature is just right. A few hours before your viewing try and freshen up your home by opening the windows and allowing the air to clear. If its cold outside warm your home up before the viewing. That way your home is fresh but warm.
If it’s a hot stuffy day, open up the windows and doors and allow the fresh air to flow through before the viewing. If time does not allow you to do this, ask your agent to go to your home at least fifteen minutes before the viewing and open the windows or you could set your timer on your central heating specifically for each viewing.
  1. Smile
Ideally your agent will be conducting your viewing but if not and you meet your viewers, make them feel as welcome as possible. Smile and offer them a drink. They will remember how welcome you made them feel and that positive feeling will stick when they remember your home. Enjoy the experience of meeting new people and good luck.
If your viewings have slowed and you are wondering what you can do, get in touch with us, we will be able to give you expert advice on how you an increase your viewings. Cal us on 01332 775 322 or email or
Andrew Sharpe
Sales and Lettings Director
01283 248841

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