How Landlords Can Spread Christmas Cheer to Their Tenants

How Landlords Can Spread Christmas Cheer to Their Tenants

Landlords are often portrayed as Grinch-like characters. Devoid of fun, lacking humanity and relentlessly greedy. In our experience, working with dozens of landlords across Burton, this Scrooge stereotype simply isn’t true.

In fact, we often get contacted by generous landlords seeking ideas to spread a little Christmas cheer to their tenants.

So, with that in mind, ho, ho, how’s this for five little things that can make a big difference when it comes to building goodwill and rapport?

1) Personalised simplicity

A handwritten Christmas card can go a long way. Tailor each message to show you know and value your tenants. It’s the thought that counts, and this personal touch gets remembered.

2) Feelgood festive treats

Everybody loves a goody bag – especially at Christmas. Assemble small bags of seasonal treats like chocolates, biscuits or even a small Christmas ornament. It’s a sweet gesture that brightens your tenant’s day, making them feel good and showing you value them.

3) Seasonal upgrades

Consider minor seasonal upgrades to the property – a new doormat or improved lighting for these darker months. It may be your investment / property, but it’s worth remembering it’s also your tenant’s home.

4) A winter warmer

Offer a winter maintenance check-up, ensuring heating systems run efficiently and the property is weather-proof. It’s a practical ‘gift’ demonstrating your commitment to your tenant’s comfort.

5) Recognition of loyalty

Acknowledge long-term tenants with a token of appreciation for their loyalty, such as a local coffee shop / restaurant / gift shop voucher. It recognises their tenure and supports local businesses – a double dose of festive goodwill.

A little Christmas cheer from landlords can make a big impact.

Whether it’s a personal card, a festive treat, thoughtful property upgrades, a timely maintenance check or a heartfelt token of appreciation, these gestures build goodwill and show tenants they’re valued.

Contact us today to find out how we help landlords find and keep great tenants throughout the year. 

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