I’m worried I won’t get the price I need

I’m worried I won’t get the price I need

Selling your home can be a nail-biting experience. Not knowing when your house will sell, how much for and worrying if you will find the house of your dreams can be stressful. Try not to worry – the secret behind having a smoother and more relaxed time when selling and buying a home, is to prepare. Knowing what you can realistically expect to achieve for your current home and what your budget is to buy your new home will help keep your stress levels in check.
Getting the best price for your home
Talk to your local estate agent and ask them what they think you can realistically expect to achieve. Do a bit of research yourself online and look at what similar houses in your area have sold for. Rightmove is a great tool for of doing this (https://www.rightmove.co.uk/house-prices.html). The key here is to be realistic and not get too carried away with what you think you will get. Take your agents advise, especially if you sense check the value against the sold data and it fits.
The best way to achieve the maximum value for your home is by preparing for sale so it looks its absolute best for appearing on the market. For help with this, see our blog:
Through professional photography, a beautifully written description and a professionally designed and printed brochure, you will be promoting your house using the very highest standards and be sure to attract attention.
The marketing sells the lifestyle and dream your home can offer. If that lifestyle is just what a buyer is desiring, they will be compelled to want to know more. They will be attracted to your homes marketing far better than below standard or mediocre marketing. Preparing your home for sale and promoting it using the very best marketing available will give you the best chance of achieving a higher price and selling in a shorter time frame.
Know your budget
Speak to your financial adviser or mortgage broker. Find out how much money you can borrow. Shop around and look for the best mortgage deal. Knowing what you can expect to achieve for your home and what the bank will lend you will give you an idea of your budget.
To ensure you have a chance of being able to afford your dream home, keep your home search within budget or slightly over. Looking at houses way out will just lead to disappointment when you fall in love with a house but don’t have the budget to buy it.
Make sure you know what you can spend and keep your searches in line with your budget. Have a chat with your local agents to let them know what you are looking for. They may have a home coming up or one already listed where there is a bit of wiggle room in the asking price. Its always worth asking.
Negotiate onwards
The offer you accept on your current property and the one you put forward on your new home does not have to be rigid. If you have an offer lower than you expected, you can always try to negotiate a lower price on the home you want. Its all relative this way – you are not losing any money. At Sure Sales and Lettings, we often help our clients negotiate an offer onwards. It can help our clients sell their home whilst getting the home they really want. Onwards and upwards.
Here at Sure Sales and Letting we know how to maximise the value of your home so you get the best possible offer. Our bespoke marketing package will make your home stand out and will attract your perfect buyer. We are there to guide you every step of the way right from the point of preparing your home for sale, through to offer negotiation and moving day.
If you are thinking of selling or are struggling to sell your home, get in touch today. Call us on 01332 775 322 or email derby@surepropertygroup.com
Need more selling and buying advice? Go to our blog https://www.surepropertygroup.com/news/
Andrew Sharpe
Sales & Lettings Director
01283 248841

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