In or Out? Should You Be Present When Buyers View Your Property?

In or Out? Should You Be Present When Buyers View Your Property?

So, you’ve prepped and primped your home, and it’s been photographed looking its very best. Now you’re ready for the next step in the selling process – viewings. This can be a make-or-break moment, where buyers fall in love and make an offer on the spot or run a mile. How do you ensure things go smoothly?

So how can sellers ensure viewings run smoothly and that nothing they do or say deters a potential buyer?
Aside from the obvious things, like keeping your home clean and clutter-free (with no dirty underwear on show), most agents recommend that sellers go out for viewings.
This advice may seem counterintuitive. Surely, the owner knows more about the property than anyone else, so should be on hand to answer questions.
But based on our years of experience, we’d advise that owners (and their offspring and pets) are not present during viewings. Here’s why.
Awkward atmosphere
Viewings are an opportunity for buyers to visualise themselves living in the property. Having the owner present can be off-putting and make all parties feel uncomfortable.
Rush the process
If buyers feel uneasy, they may rush the viewing instead of taking the time to carefully consider the property’s merits and potential.
Leave it to the experts
Agents have years of experience managing viewings. They’ll have asked the buyers an array of questions to get to the nub of what they’re looking for and established a rapport with them.
Negotiating nous
Good agents are expert negotiators, adept at responding to cheeky or downright audacious offers. However, when put on the spot, anxious sellers can sometimes show their hand or say something unhelpful.
Candid feedback
After a viewing, an agent will ask the buyer for feedback. This can be a useful way to identify any niggles that need addressing. Buyers are less likely to be honest with the owner as they won’t want to appear rude.
Understanding the lie of the land
If buyers have questions about the history of the property or want details about refurbishment works, the agent can pass these questions on to the seller. This way, the seller’s expertise is utilised, just not during that first viewing.
If you’d like more professional advice about marketing your property, contact us today.


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