Landscaping is the best way to add value to your home

Landscaping is the best way to add value to your home

According to the latest research from Post Office Money, landscaping your garden could add more value to your home than a new kitchen, conservatory, extension or loft conversion.

The study shows that by landscaping your outside space you could add as much as 77% to the value of your property with the estimated cost averaging £2,750 compared to around £80,000 which is the average cost of extending your property or converting your basement.
Outdoor improvements can be as simple as adding potted plants, a new patio, decking, seating and BBQ area or even installing an artificial lawn. With many specialist companies offering these services (and generally planning permission and building warrants aren’t required) it’s not only an easy home improvement to organise, it’s also causes the least upheaval as the building works are outside of your general living area.
This comes at a time where many people are looking to improve their homes as they look to sell. By making the right changes to your home, you can significantly increase the value of your home and it seems that landscaping your garden could be the most cost efficient way to do this, helping you to maximise the return on your investment. It’s also great news for landlords as a well-planned, landscaped garden will not only ensure your property is rented quickly, you can also maximise the rental income.
For those who don’t want to move any time soon, it’s a great way to add value in the long term. What’s more, it will enable you to enjoy your garden whilst we have these spells of great weather.
After analysing data, Post Office Money found that 18% of respondents had landscaped their garden in the last five years with 28% stating that the sole purpose was to add value. In addition, 59% were driven by the desire to improve their garden making it a more relaxing place to be.
According to Post Office Money, these are the average cost of home improvements and the value that they add:
Garden landscaping
Average cost: £2,750
Value increase: 77%
Home Gymnasium
Average cost: £10,00
Value increase: 44%
Average cost: £80,000
Value increase: 37%
Walk-in wardrobe
Average cost: £3,400
Value increase: 34%
Jacuzzi/hot tub
Average cost: £6,000
Value increase: 27%
New kitchen
Average cost: £7,500
Value increase: 26%
Swimming pool
Average cost: £30,000
Value increase: 22%
Basement conversion
Average cost: £90,000
Value increase: 17%
Average cost: £9,000
Value increase: 10%
Average cost: £25,000
Value increase: 9%
Wet room
Average cost; £7,500
Value increase: 7%
Why not add some value to your home this summer?

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