Preparing Your Home for Winter Viewings

Preparing Your Home for Winter Viewings

If you’ve decided that your home is going on the market this winter, it’s worth noting these points below. They’ll help you show your home in its best possible light to potential buyers (even if it’s gloomy outside).

Heating and insulation

First off, let’s talk warmth.

A chilly home is as inviting as a snowball to the face.

Before you even consider showing your home, ensure your heating is up to scratch.

Good insulation is a must. Potential buyers shouldn’t just see your home; they should feel its warmth and comfort from the moment they step inside.

Show off those interior features

Winter is a great time to focus on your home’s interior strengths.

Have a fireplace? Light it up.

Have you got underfloor heating in the bathroom?

Make sure it’s on.

Any feature that warmly whispers ‘cosiness’ should be front and centre.

Make it inviting

The days may be shorter and darker, but your home doesn’t have to reflect that. Strategic lighting can create a cosy ambience – maybe a warm lamp in the corner or fairy lights.

Soft furnishings like throws and cushions add to the warm vibe.

Quick tips

Welcome mat:
Literally lay out the welcome mat. It’s good for wiping shoes (obviously) but also symbolises an inviting home (subtly).

First impressions:
Clear coats and shoes from the entrance area – no one wants to clamber over your wellies when looking for their dream home.

We’re always on hand to give you open and honest advice to see if selling now is your best move.

To find out more about selling your home in winter, check out our free guide filled with seasonal tips, techniques and advice.

Thanks for reading.


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