Random Acts of Kindness Week: Nine Ways to Spread Joy

Random Acts of Kindness Week: Nine Ways to Spread Joy

In this two-minute read, we look at how a simple random act of kindness can start a tsunami of positive vibes.

Many people are going through a dark time right now, but there is a way you could make at least one person’s day a little brighter.
As this week is Random Acts of Kindness Week, why not surprise and delight someone with a small, generous gesture?
It doesn’t have to be a grand affair; even a small effort could leave someone buzzing for the rest of the day.
And don’t forget that kindness is contagious, so your good deed could well inspire the recipient to follow suit with their own act of goodwill – triggering a wave of altruism across Burton and Derby.
Here are nine things you could do for Random Acts of Kindness Week. 
1) Leave flowers or a box of chocolates on your neighbour’s doorstep (preferably choose a neighbour who lives alone or is having a tough time right now).
2) Sign up to volunteer with a local charity, food bank, or care home.
3) Send a card to someone you haven’t spoken to for a while. Let them know you’re thinking of them.
4) Donate money to a local charity and follow up with an email to the charity’s head thanking them for their contribution to the community.
5) Call a friend who you haven’t spoken to for a while. Let them do the talking while you do the listening.
6) Feeling generous? If you need to catch public transport for work, leave an envelope containing a £5/£10/£20 note on the seat when you leave. Write a short message on the envelope to entice a curious stranger to open it.
7) Surprise your partner by doing a chore around the house that they usually do.
8) Make a home-cooked meal and deliver it to a friend, neighbour or family member who might really appreciate some comfort food.
9) Support a local business by leaving them a glowing review online. Your positive words could help them attract customers and boost their sales during this challenging economic period.

We’ll leave you with this quote from the one and only Jackie Chan (because we all need a little more Jackie Chan in our lives right now): “Sometimes it takes only one act of kindness and caring to change a person’s life.”

From all of us here at Sure Sales and Lettings, stay safe and be kind.

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