The Do's and Don’ts of Winter Viewings

The Do's and Don’ts of Winter Viewings

Here are some things to think about if you are considering selling your home in the next few months. Winter brings its own set of challenges when it comes to property viewings. But don’t worry – a little preparation and foresight can ensure the process is as smooth as possible. Check out these dos and don’ts.

Do schedule viewings during optimal light

Aim to schedule viewings during the day, specifically late mornings to early afternoons. This is when natural light best showcases your home, making it easier for potential buyers to appreciate its features.

Do be prepared for last-minute viewings

Winter weather can be unpredictable, as can buyers’ schedules. Keep a ‘quick clean’ kit handy with essential cleaning supplies to spruce up your home at short notice.

Do think about safety considerations

Ensure pathways and steps leading to your home are safe. A scattering of grit or salt can prevent icy patches, reducing the risk of slips or falls.

Don’t be inflexible

Be open to rearranging your schedule for viewings, especially if a sunny day is forecast, as this could make your property look even more appealing.

Don’t neglect aroma and atmosphere

While your home may look the part, an unpleasant aroma or a cold, unwelcoming atmosphere could turn buyers away. Make sure your home smells fresh and feels warm during viewings.

Don’t ignore small details

Little things can make a big difference. Fix any visible wear and tear, replace broken lightbulbs and ensure the doorbell works. First impressions count.

We’re always on hand to give you open and honest advice to see if selling now is your best move.

To learn more about selling your home in winter, check out our free guide filled with seasonal tips, techniques and advice.

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