Your perfect home should reflect your personality

Your perfect home should reflect your personality

The colours you choose for your home décor can actually reveal quite a lot about your personality. Everyone wants to create the perfect home, and often the way you decorate it is an extension of your attitude and feelings…

The design of your home can be an expression of yourself and build a story through the colours and styles that you choose. Our homes are our havens, so when it comes down to it, they should reflect the people who live in them.




If you are someone who likes to be organised in life, then the chances are that your house will be clean and spacious, and there won’t be a pile of clutter in sight. Homes with lots of storage and simple designs reflect those who are logical and calm, and like to have things planned out.


For those who love the outdoors, homes will be full of plants and flowers, with a garden bursting at the seams. It is important to make sure your home reflects your lifestyle, as how you feel in your day to day life should be the same when you’re in your home.




Colours really represent who you are and how you feel. There are many different studies out there that focus on colour psychology and how different colours can make you feel different emotions. Choosing a colour for your walls and furnishings is therefore quite an important task.


You are likely to spend a lot of time in your home, so it is important that you decorate using colours that you like. If you have bright colours and large patterns, then you are likely to be quite outgoing, but more neutral colours tend to reflect more introvert and laid back people.




There are many different ways that personality can be reflected through the accessories around your home. You may be a fairly quiet person, but the yellow cushions on your sofa or the floral tablecloth you choose in your kitchen could reflect your positive outlook in life.

The pictures you have on your walls or the designs you choose for your curtains could also reflect your love of animals, without actually taking over the house. It’s nice to inject your personality into all the different accessories around your home and garden.




A great way to find out about someone is to learn about his or her experiences, and often these can be seen around the home. Homeowners that spend a lot of time travelling often bring home keepsakes and trinkets that can be found in various rooms, showing the experiences that they have had in life.


The experiences you have tell a story and are reflected in who you are and how you feel, and this is then reflected in your home decorations. It’s great for someone to be able to walk into your home and really feel that it represents you.




The way you decorate your home can definitely affect the dynamics of any relationships you have in the house. Think about all the different people who live with you and how their personality could also be reflected in the way your home is decorated.


If you have kids your home may have some smaller pieces of furniture or rooms with brighter walls. If you live with your other half, you may choose colours that reflect love and romance, turning your house into a warm and cosy home to share together. 


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