From adult children returning to live with mum and dad to elderly parents moving in with their offspring, multigenerational living is on the rise in the UK*. However, finding a property within budget that meets the needs of different demographics is no easy feat.

This lettings article looks at some of the more unusual questions/dilemmas that landlords can face.

When a tenancy ends, there’s often confusion – and sometimes disputes – over what a landlord can claim as a deposit deduction. So, let’s look at what’s reasonable to claim and how to avoid deposit disputes in the first place.

The summer solstice, on Thursday (20 June), marked the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere and the changing of the seasons. But could the start of summer also be a turning point in your property journey? If you’ve been thinking about moving home for a while, now’s the time to grasp the moment and get your property plans moving.

As we all know, moving home can be a stressful business. But you can avoid a frantic panic on the big day by starting your end-of-tenancy preparations sooner rather than later. With a little bit of planning and forethought, you can streamline the process and avoid a last-minute scramble.

Choosing the right estate agent is a big step on the road to successfully selling your home. But with so many agents making big promises to win your business, how can you identify the genuine professionals from the wheeler dealers?

If you’re a landlord, you can probably think of nothing worse than your rental sitting empty. The prospect of covering the mortgage and utility bills in between tenancies may keep you awake at night.

Buying a home is a huge undertaking that many property hunters find exciting – but also a bit scary. With so much at stake, what if you make an offer you later regret? Or what if you don’t make an offer and miss out on a great deal? If you often feel indecisive at viewings, here’s some advice on letting your five senses guide you.

The dust has settled following the Prime Minister’s surprise announcement of a July 4th General Election. And in this article we consider how the decision to go to the polls might impact landlords, tenants and rental laws.

Now that the dust has settled following the Prime Minister’s surprise announcement of a July 4th General Election, we look as what this decision means for the property market.

It’s an exciting moment when a buyer puts a good offer on the table. After all your hard work to prepare your home for sale, it feels like everything is finally falling into place. But before you agree a price in a rush of giddy delight, it’s important to ask a few questions – especially if more than one buyer is interested.

When summer arrives, the issue of property security becomes even more relevant for landlords. The summer months provide more opportunity for thieves to take advantage of longer days, open windows and doors, and vacant properties.